Student Services at Sevenoaks Senior College assists students to:
- make the most of their opportunities
- support them in their personal development
- help them achieve their life and learning goals
Student Services has friendly, professional staff, including two Youth Workers, College Psychologist, College Nurse, Year 11 Student Support Coordinator, Year 12 Student Support Coordinator, Student Services Manager and Aboriginal Support Teacher who can help students adjust to our adult learning environment. An adult learning environment exists when teachers and students work co-operatively in an environment of mutual respect, care and support to attain the best possible learning outcomes.
Students can receive counselling from our experienced Psychologist and Youth Workers to get help with:
- Practical issues, e.g. finding accommodation, Centrelink payments, making appointments with community agencies.
- Counselling, e.g. family issues, relationships, substance abuse, domestic violence, health issues etc.
- Other personal issues, e.g. anger management, conflict resolution.
- If you or your family need financial assistance, you can find more information here.
If you need further help see below for FREE resources for young people:
Kids HelpLine 1800 55 180
They will chat with you about anything you need help with.
The national youth mental health foundation that helps young people going through a tough time.
Youth Focus
Supports vulnerable young people in WA by offering a range of mental health services.
First aid
First aid can be sought through the Student Services office. The College Nurse can provide advice on nutrition, lifestyle habits and other general health matters.
Hurt or Unwell
Firstly report to the front office. The reception staff will be available to assist by contacting parents and/or first aid trained staff.
Lost Property
Make inquiries at the College reception area.
Youth Allowance/Austudy and Abstudy
You must tell Centrelink when you:
- Cease to be a full time student.
- Centrelink must be advised of any changes to your study load.
- Have changed your address.
- Have changes to your income and/or your parents’ income.
- You must let Centrelink know of any income changes, otherwise you may end up having to repay large amounts of money.
Remember that Centrelink carries out attendance checks on all students receiving Youth Allowance and Abstudy. The College is required to submit attendance records of students at the completion of each term. Note: Failure to follow the above steps will result in you having to pay back money. Trying to sort out these problems, months after the absences, is extremely difficult and time-consuming for you and for College staff.
Change of address
Students are often contacted by phone or mail. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the office of any changes in phone number or address. Mail sent to an old address will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to respond to letters or obtain essential information the College has sent out.